Greetings and blessings upon you in the wonderful Name of Jesus!            

Yay!! There’s light at the end of the tunnel, or so it seems to many…. As believers we are given the promises of how Jesus will not only get us through the storms but spiritually grace us with the ability to rise above the storms!!            

As I stated from the very start, God was going to use this COVID 19 event to re-establish/strengthen our family alters (keeping Christ alive in our homes), deepen our abiding for intimacy to flourish, and strip away things that have robbed us of time toward intimacy and personal study of His Word. In the coming months we will begin to see a stronger church that carries a greater conviction of faith and service. We are going to see remnant believers step forward and lead the charge!!            

Beginning Sunday, June 7th, we will engage fully in our Sunday morning services. Adult Bible study will begin at 9:30 a.m., service time is 10:30 and Nursery and Children’s Church will also be in session!! We will continue Wednesday night Bible study (7:00 p.m.) and Friday morning prayer (10:00 a.m.) as well as Tuesday morning live stream teaching through June. There are several other areas we are praying over and waiting on the Lord’s leading for direction and timing.            

That is our current status – come one, come all!! As always, call us if you have or know of a need.  Speaking of which….I have a new cell phone number. Contact me and I'll get it to you.(Sadly I’m no longer triple 0 – 7!).             Looking forward to seeing all Sunday, June 7th!!

                                                                   Pastor Ollie

Note from Phyllis

We’ve been working on a few new updates for Rhema Valley.

· Obviously if you are reading this, our new website has been launched!There are lots of new features and all the sermons will still be available by podcast as well as video!!  We will still have the same domain name:

· Rhema Valley has its own Facebook page (most of you know that) which is what we use to livestream.

· We are now able to accept tithes and offerings electronically. The link is both on  Facebook  and  the website. We’ve already received several donations and it works great!